Afrikaans music downloads and videos are available online to get as mp3’s and use as ring tones or to put on an ipod, iphone or other mobile phone device. Or various songs can be filed and played from windows media player on a desktop pc or laptop or using any other kind of supported format media player. Popular songs are available from top performing artists such as Kurt Darren, Dozi, Karen Zoid, Natasha Joubert, Arno Jordaan, Steve Hofmeyer, Nicholis Louw, Pieter Koen and many more.
The most popular afrikaans music downloads and videos are good digital quality audio sound mp3 files and will usually sound like the original CD’s when played on an ipod, iphone and other mobile phone devices or players. Old Afrikaner songs used to be viewed as perhaps a little inferior when compared to the International music scene but artists these days are producing high quality songs and video’s that are setting new standards and holding their own on the world stage. The modern singers are very popular and now looked up to with pride by South Africans and viewed as a lot more cool and trendy.
Click Here to check out the latest Afrikaans music video’s
Bands are on the increase and some are making a living, albeit still a bit of a struggle, by touring the country and playing in pubs, clubs and at festivals around SA such as the popular annual event Oppikoppi. Radio stations are playing more and more tracks and promoting the singers and songs a lot more frequently than in the past and the future definitely looks bright for this genre. Have a good look around the Internet and you will soon discover the various mp3 Afrikaans music downloads and videos online available to you for downloading to your pc.