If you are looking for some facts about dogs, there are quite a few things that will really grab your attention. A fact is that all types of dogs have been pets to owners for over 14,000 years. The other thing that a few only know is that your best friend can register around 35,000 vibrations sounds where a human can only register 20,000. There are many breeds of dogs around the world, and out of all of them the Irish wolfhound and the Great Dane are the tallest of them all. If you enjoy feeding your canine chocolate, it is about time you stop and take this advice: chocolates contain Theobromine, which is similar to caffeine and can kill your best friend.
If there are other facts about dogs or breeds that you need to know it is that training them when they are still puppies are important, because old dogs cannot be taught new tricks. Love your pet if he or she is precious to you, because during the World War II, when the Russians struggled to get behind Germany enemy lines they started training them to be suicide bombers. Looking at other breeds of dogs, such as the Greyhound, these lightning fast types can reach speeds of up to 72km/h. It is unbelievable, but true.
It is always important that you raise your puppies properly. That way they will remain loyal and will always be around you and make sure that you are looked after. There is so much advice that one can give when it comes to dogs and it is important that you listen to those people, especially if they know a bit more than you. Long before we were born, in the Middle Ages, Mastiffs used to have pots of burning sulphur strapped to their bodies and were sent to run into battle against mounted knights. We all wish that some of these facts about different breeds and types of dogs were not true, but that would be a lie.