Glomail shops and stores in SA Malls are a source of crazy consumerism. Half of the products sold at this type of store are based on fads and immediate gratification, and very few of the items have a long term purpose for your health or home. If you’ve ever seen an infomercial then you probably share my concern that you will never get that time back again. You have effectively wasted your time learning about fake beauty and fitness products, or 101 types of peelers for your kitchen at low prices and but what have you actually gained?
What is interesting to note about Glowmail shops and stores in SA Malls? Well, aside from the obvious, you can buy similar items from most general stores, and really do not require the construction of more branches in order to avoid these gizmos. Your health and fitness have to come from a keen desire within you to make a difference in your life. There are no quick fixes, or immediate solutions. You cannot reclaim your kitchen with the best chopping board, anymore than you can craft your home from matchsticks.
Essentially, you need to walk away. Walk away from the beauty items or kitchen appliances. Ignore the ‘for sale’ signs or low prices. Think about benefits to your mental health in owning less stuff, having a simple and useful home and good health. The answer is crystal clear, and only takes a little bit of willpower to make it a reality.