You can sort the highest paid jobs and determine them by the level of education required by a paying employer to enter a particular field of expertise. Highest paying employment research is mainly by the hourly wage a person is earning. And therefore cannot necessarily be taken for granted that the largest salaries can be earned in those particular fields.
For instance, a lot of building construction work can earn a qualified employee a lot of money. But is often seasonal. So employee’s working in this area may only work on projects at certain intervals.
Similarly working on an oil rig is similar in that although the salary may be a lot, the work is normally on a per project basis and may only be for a few months in a year.
Read More: 7 Steps to a Higher Paying Job
Highest Paid Jobs in Different Regions
Also many highest paid jobs may differ greatly in salaries from region to region. And certainly from one country to another. Working as a doctor in South Africa for example is not going to earn someone as much money as if they were employed by a practice and worked as a doctor in the UK.
However higher wages are normally available in and around the major cities in most countries. Whereas the lower paying jobs would be in the smaller towns and rural areas.
Here is a list of the top 20 highest paying jobs around the world according to research done at the time of writing this information. And with annual salary figures in US dollars:
- Film Directors – estimated $956.050 a year
- Bank CEO – $567.050 a year (entry level)
- Actors/Actresses – $357.430 a year
- Professional Athlete – $131.680 a year
- Computer programmer – $126.940 a year
- Actuaries, certified – $119.680 a year (base salary only)
- Paediatricians, general – $116.550 a year
- Psychiatrists – $113.570 a year
- Family and general practitioners – $110.020 a year
- Dentists – $110.820 a year
- Pharmacists – $110.240 a year
- Chief Executives – $107.670 a year
- Airline pilots, co-pilots and flight engineers – $99.400 a year
- Podiatrists – $94.500 a year
- Lawyers – $91.920 a year
- Optometrists – $88.100 a year
- Computer and information systems managers – $83.890 a year
- Physicists – $83.750 a year
- Air traffic controllers – $83.350 a year
- Petroleum Engineers – $81.800 a year
In Conclusion…
The above are salary paying jobs only. Some employment in certain industries offers profits and bonuses that can lead to greater annual earnings. The list is really just a rough guide. Therefore as time moves on and inflation continues the list above is going to eventually become outdated and obsolete. So do not take it as absolute truth, just a guide.
For those looking for career guidance it is plain to see from this list that education is the number one key to getting the highest paid jobs possible.