After describing some common pregnancy symptoms recently we decided to offer some more information on a couple of the issues that pregnant women have to deal with and a few words of advice in dealing with them. Mood swings are common due to raging hormones and PMS type outbursts can leave you ecstatic the one minute and in tears the next! Anxiety about the birth and disturbed sleep, as well as worries about how you will cope as a mother are enough to give any expectant mum the blues. Exercise is a great way to heighten your mood and get the ‘feel good’ endorphins flowing. Regular meals to keep blood sugar levels stable and swapping sugary sweets and chocolate with wholesome alternatives will help as well as relaxation and regular treats.
Many women experience pregnancy symptoms such as swollen legs and ankles which are caused by fluid retention and can get worse during hot weather or when standing for long periods of time. This can be helped by avoiding too much salt or processed ready made foods and meals. Drinking plenty of fluids on a daily basis and massaging your legs (or getting your partner to do it) from the ankle upwards will also help as well as soaking your feet in a bucket of cool water. Leafy vegetables, bananas and apricots should also help regulate your body’s fluid levels as they are rich in potassium.
Itchy skin is caused by the hormonal changes and in the summer this can feel worse and become almost unbearable. Take regular cool baths or showers in the hot summer months and wear lightweight clothes made from natural fabrics in order to allow your skin to breathe. Calamine lotion can help ease the itchiness when applied to the areas in question and try to use unscented soaps and bath products instead of fragranced ones. If severe itching persists, especially during the third trimester and on the hands and feet, make an appointment with your local doctor to have it looked at. Hopefully between the two articles of information we have covered the most common pregnancy symptoms that mum’s to be experience and you have found our tips and advice useful.