You can purchase second hand textbooks at many places, for school and college use. Other students often have their textbooks from the previous year for sale at a cheap price and this is where you can save money if you are going into the year that they have finished. There is nothing wrong with buying used textbooks, as long as they are still in good condition and you can work effectively from them, there shouldn’t be a problem. It isn’t recommended to buy 2nd hand stationary though, as you find that new stationary lasts a lot longer so you don’t have to replace your items every few months.
There are many websites that you can use if you want to purchase 2nd hand textbooks for college or school, but it is not only over the Internet that you will find these for sale. Other students sometimes advertise around the school that they are selling their used textbooks, so it’s also a matter of keeping your eyes and ears open if you attend the school you need the books for. Getting the books for cheap, or at least a bit cheaper than what they cost new, is always a good idea, but make sure you actually see the books before you pay for them so that you can decide whether they are in good enough condition and if they are worth what the person is asking for them.
Save money wherever you can, and the best places to start is with your textbooks as these can be quite expensive. Try not to leave it too late though, start looking for second hand books a few weeks before you are due to begin your new year. You can also phone the school and ask them if they have a shop where you can purchase second hand textbooks as some of them have this.