Road map facilities such as the AA route planner or Shell maps for people who need directions in SA and feel they cannot fully rely on a car GPS system are available to download from the web in various formats. Online facilities such as Brabys maps can also be useful for when it comes to finding your way around the country by automobile. Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban, amongst many other places, can be difficult cities to navigate for those who are perhaps visiting for the first time and keeping a handy guide to the streets and street names can help any traveller.
Whether a person is on holiday or business, a road map from the AA or Shell is going to come in handy at some stage. There is nothing as frustrating as going on a family holiday and planning your route only to get to a certain point and find that the road you thought was a highway and were going to use as a short cut to help you get to your destination is in actual fact a horrible dirt road unfit for your family estate car. Having said that, it is important then to get a route planner that has dirt roads, national and highway’s clearly marked and preferably clear street names, places of interest, churches, rivers and more.
With advancements in technology, many are relying on their GPS systems to help them navigate the country and this is fine and usually a good way of getting from one place to another. But it is not always fully reliable and can get annoying for people who just want a complete break away from technology altogether and rely on old school methods. Whether you are going on a business trip and need to know street names or a holiday break it is always an excellent idea to keep an AA road map or something similar from the Shell company in the glove compartment of your car.