The Shell route planner and maps available on are the most up to date and easy to use sources of information online. You can find roads, or plan a journey using this great tool which allows you to plot your journey on a map. Common travel routes are easy to find, but sometimes when you want to get off the beaten track you need to do a more detailed map search. This can allow you to find distances that you will travel so that you can make sure you have everything that you need. By having a birds’ eye view of your journey you can truly appreciate the impact that it will make.
If you are planning to use Shell route planner and maps from, don’t forget the environmental impact of what you are doing. Whilst you might like to find roads so that you can travel along them, your cars carbon will be damaging the planet’s sensitive ecosystem. This is probably not something that Shell will warn you about, because of their own record of environmental degradation. The best advice that you can have is to find distances that are short, plan a journey that allows you to identify areas that need trees to be planted there, and do a map search to see where you can assist. Great websites like allow you to donate money for trees to be planted in South Africa.
Travel routes are exciting and most people love the thrill of getting out on the open road to see the world. This doesn’t have to end. What you need to do is book trips with groups of people. Share cars and petrol so that your map planner can be a way for all of you to enjoy an experience. There is a way to find distances that can be shared. You just need to make a concerted effort to find them. Perhaps can help you do this with their Shell route planner and maps.