So how do you stop you or your partner from snoring the roof off your home?
One solution is to get the newest product on the market called a Snorekit. This product claims to be simple, effective and proven low cost stop snoring mouthpiece. This device works by advancing the lower jaw forward a few millimetres to help free the air intake and release the tongue. The reason this works is because during deep sleep, the muscles in your throat relax and your tongue moves backward which reduces the size of the air passage.
The reason people snore is because when the air passes over this region it causes vibrations which gives the sound to snoring. According to Snorekit, there are only three ways to cure snoring: surgically, forced ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure devices, and lastly mandibular advancement devices like their own.
For those of you who are looking to stop snoring and are interested in purchasing a Snorekit, all you have to do is visit and order the kit online. If you cannot afford to purchase a snoring devise, then have no fear, there are some other natural solutions for you.
Firstly, your diet is crucial and many recommend avoiding dairy foods before bedtime as they induce mucus build-up. Other suggestions include losing weight if you are carrying more weight than normal as this will increase the space within your air passage, and not eating a big meal before bedtime.
The way in which you sleep can also cause snoring. If you generally sleep on your back and have a tendency to snore then why not try sleeping on your side. Many people advise strapping balls to your back so that you cannot sleep on them in order to prevent snoring.
Drinking alcohol just before you go to sleep can also cause snoring, as can sleeping tablets as both are muscle relaxers and therefore limit your air passage way inside your throat and chest. For more information on how to cure your snoring why not visit your physician who may be able to prescribe you anti-snoring pills, anti-snoring nasal sprays or other remedies which you may not have thought or heard of.
And for a bit of a laugh, just to prove that it’s not just us humans that growl at night, here’s a video proving that some animals snore too!