Symptoms of pregnancy differ from one woman to the next and you will be extremely fortunate to sail through without a niggle here and there but there are many ways to deal with the aches and pains to boost your well being. The first 12 weeks usually sees the early morning sickness experience, not nice as those who have experienced will testify. Eating toast in bed in the mornings can help raise blood sugar levels, fruit may freshen your palate and ginger tea can help with the queasiness. Over tiredness makes the morning sickness experience worse so get lots of rest and if you are vomiting persistently, best to make an appointment with your local doctor.
Among the other common symptoms of pregnancy experienced is backache and pains which is largely due to the extra weight being carried. Posture and stretching excersises are good for easing aching muscles and gentle excercise such as walking or swimming will help to keep the spine flexible. Warm baths and gentle back massages can assist in relieving the aches experienced when pregnant. If your back pain is extreme and persistent than it is advisable to make an appointment with a local physio who will help and advise with your specific problem and area of pain.
Heartburn is another one, that horrible burning sensation experienced in the chest area caused by those pregnancy hormones. Tips to help cure heartburn include avoiding rich, high fat, spicy or acidic foods, chocolate and coffee. Eating smaller meals and eating a little often can help in giving the stomach less time to build up acid. Sipping peppermint tea can help and Gaviscon is safe for most people to take although get the all clear from your local doctor first. If you experience heartburn worse at night time, avoid eating three hours before going to sleep and try to sleep in a slightly elevated position to help keep stomach acids down. There are many other common symptoms of pregnancy that women experience which we will cover in the near future.