When people come back from a holiday, they usually have glowing smiles, skin and pictures to match. But not all holidays turn out to be so envy-inducing. To make sure that you never find yourself a victim of holiday hell, we have compiled a list of the world’s worst holiday resorts and destinations.
Resorts to run away from…
Lpaya Parasio – Tenerife
This resort may boast beaches, but the fine print should include that the beaches are artificial and are surrounded by ruined buildings (not the historical kind!).
The Palm Court hotel – Qawra, Malta
This Palm Court hotel in Qawra was once described as the worst hotel in the world for its “beach” location that seemed more like a concrete jungle. Since then, the beaches have improved re-developed and the hotel is dropping off the world’s worst list. The best way to assess the current state of the hotel before you elect to stay there is to read recent trip reviews online.

Travaasa Hana, Hawaii, USA
Although this resort does make the Yahoo travel list of Top All-Inclusive Beach Resorts, the problem is not the resort itself, but its claim to be “all-inclusive”. Alcoholic beverages are not included in the “all-inclusive” price, and watch out for a daily charge as well as taxes to be added to your all-inclusive bill.
The same applies for Cayo Espanto, Belize. At this resort, the “all-inclusive” rate excludes dessert wine, wine, champagne and cordials, as well as a 15% resort fee and Belize government tax of 9%.
Countries and towns to cut loose from your holiday plans…
Republic of Sierra Leone
This country in West Africa has undergone years of corruption and civil war. The country now has the lowest human development index ranking (this is a standard measure to compare factors such as literacy, education, GDP per capita and life expectancy).
A good place to visit if you plan to do some volunteer work, but far from an idyllic holiday destination.
North Korea
First of all, it may be difficult to even get into the country since there are strict visa laws and a sense of xenophobia in this communist country.
If you are allowed into North Korea (with a permit), expect to be shadowed wherever you go with your shadow politely telling you that you may only take photographs of billboards, bus stops and street corners. Not to mention that the country has the worst human rights record of any nation around the world.
Timber Creek, Australia
Have you seen the movie Wolf Creek (about a serial murderer living in the Australian outback who preys on unsuspecting tourists)? If so, Timber Creek is best avoided purely for its striking resemblance to the setting of the movie.
The town consists of a handful of trees and two side-by-side petrol stations. Unless you are a looking for an axe to the head, this creepy town is probably not what you had in mind when planning your Gold Coast getaway.
Newark, New Jersey, USA
While only 5 miles from Manhattan, this dismal city feels like it is in another country. Newark can lay claim to the title of “most dangerous city in the USA” for 2 years in the 1990’s. The murder rate has dropped in recent years, but there is no reason why the tourism should pick up.
These are just a few of many vacation spots that you probably wouldn’t want to find yourself in.
Vacations are expensive, and we expect them to bring us pleasure and joy, so be sure to always do your research before submitting your credit card details.
Go online to website such as Trip Advisor and see what the best critics (fellow holiday-makers) have to say about your chosen destination or resort. Even a simple Google search of “worst holiday resort” brings up a number of results from Trip Advisor from people hoping to warn others not to make the same mistake they did by going to an unpleasant place.
Rather than risking it, ask people around you where they had their favourite holiday so that you can be sure that your hard-earned money isn’t going to waste.
And when all else fails, rather enjoy a “staycation”, relaxed in the comfort of your own home and town.